EkoNiva-APK Holding

+7 (473) 267-97-77

Sibirskaya Niva

Sibirskaya Niva has been operating in the region since March, 2006. The company specializes in dairy production as well as beef and pedigree cattle breeding, crop production and seed growing. The enterprise currently employs 1,500 specialists.

Sibirskaya Niva LLC

Our professional motto is Working with love of the land and care of the people!

The company consists of three production facilities: Siberian Niva-Maslyanino, Sibirskaya Niva-Cherepanovo and EkoNiva Alai. The total farmland area of the enterprise is 112,000 ha. The total herd size is 38,100 head of cattle including 17,600 dairy cows. The company operates four modern free-stall dairies in Maslyaninsky district in Borkovo village (2,500 head), Penkovo village (5,000 head), Yelban village (6,000 head) and in Cherepanovsky district in Ogneva Zaimka village (3,550 head). The cutting-edge technologies, highly productive imported cattle and qualified staff are the key resources allowing the company to produce over 556 tonnes of high quality milk.

Sibirskaya Niva is a breeding producer of Holstein, Hereford and Aberdeen Angus cattle.

The enterprise cultivates fodder and cash crops as well as C1 seeds of cereals and pulses. High-performance farm machinery and advanced tillage practices are intensively used at the enterprise. The company has the storage capacity sufficient to accommodate 12,000 tonnes of grain at any one time.

The gross output in 2023 amounted to 85,500 tonnes (including maize for grain, cereals, pulses and oil crops).

All specialists employed by the enterprise have a high level of professional qualification and take regular training at crop growing and livestock farming enterprises in Russia, Germany, Argentina and Canada. Sibirskaya Niva holds annual Field Days and conducts livestock feeding master-classes and educational seminars.

The company puts great emphasis on social welfare: provides financial support to local secondary schools, kindergartens, youth and adult hockey teams, the Council of War Veterans, local Community Centres and Maslyanino interregional agricultural college. The company supported the construction of a chapel by the holy spring in Paivino village and an ice hockey rink in Maslyanino.


2, Tsentralnaya st., Paivino, Maslyaninsky district, Novosibirsk Oblast, 633571
E-mail: [email protected]
Location Map

3, Bankosky lane, Talmenka, Talmensky district, Altai Krai, 658030
E-mail: [email protected]