EkoNiva-APK Holding

+7 (473) 267-97-77

Savinskaya Niva

Savinskaya Niva has been operating since 2010. 2012 to 2015 saw the transition of the dairy from conventional to organic farming. Its crop and livestock products are certified according to the EU regulation 834/2007 and the Russian State standard GOST 33980-2016. The enterprise currently employs 80 people. Savinskaya Niva is the only organic farming business within EkoNiva Group.

Savinskaya Niva

The key areas of activity are dairy farming and crop production. The herd comprises cows of Black-and-White, Red-and-White, Simmental, Ayrshire and Brown Swiss breeds.

The enterprise’s farmland covers an area of 6,000 hectares. The total herd size amounts to 677 head, of which over 441 are dairy cows, and the milk yield exceeds 8 tonnes per day.

At Savinskaya Niva, animals graze rotationally on natural and sown pastures. Only certified forages of in-house production are used in feeding: hay, silage, haylage, flax, ground cereals and legumes.

Savinskaya Niva

The enterprise implements organic crop farming technologies: conventional tillage without any use of plant protection chemicals or artificial mineral fertiliser. Besides, optimal crops are selected with the local climatic conditions and soil fertility in mind.

In 2023, the gross output amounted to 2,100 tonnes (including maize for grain, cereals, pulses and oil crops).

Savinskaya Niva currently produces organic milk which serves as the raw material for EkoNiva's organic line – pasteurised whole milk and 3.2% UHT milk. The latter has been used for making drinks at the STARS COFFEE coffee shops in Moscow and its oblast, delighting their guests for several months already.

Every year, students from veterinary and technical universities and colleges choose to do their internships at Savinskaya Niva.

Plans are afoot to expand the land bank, search for and experiment with new promising crops and refurbish the farm.


2, Sadovaya st., Savino, Mosalsky district, Kaluga Oblast, 249930
E-mail: [email protected]
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