EkoNiva-APK Holding

+7 (473) 267-97-77

EkoNiva starts harvesting sugar beet

Press-centre / News,

Sugar beet harvesting has begun at the farming enterprises within EkoNiva Group. The first 1,500 tonnes of root crops have already been delivered to a processing facility.

Fine weather in the region aids in sugar beet lifting. Fifteen machinery units are used to perform works in the fields.

EkoNivaAgro operations located in Voronezh oblast planted sugar beet on a total of 4,500 ha of farmland. The harvesting is scheduled to finish until the end of October. At the local sugar beet factories, all the raw material will be processed.

‘The quality is excellent – sugar content in the vegetable is over 17%, and the yield is high’, says Aleksey Nizkodubov, Chief Agronomist of EkoNivaAgro Left Bank Operation.