EkoNiva-APK Holding

+7 (473) 267-97-77

EkoNiva launches new educational project

Press-centre / News,

EkoNiva Group, Russia's largest dairy holding, has launched the City of Professions educational project. It has formed part of the tour programme at the dairy farms Dobrino in Voronezh oblast and Ulanovo in Kaluga oblast. The initiative aims to call the attention of children and teenagers to agricultural professions and provide insight into the work at a modern farming enterprise.

The new project comprises several workshops allowing students to completely immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a dairy. In a few hours, each of them can try on the roles of a herd manager, veterinarian, loader operator and laboratory assistant. Together with EkoNiva’s specialists, the children learn to formulate the perfect ration for cows, feed calves on milk from a bottle, take laboratory milk samples and run a mini loader.

To go on the tour, it is necessary to book an appointment by phone: 8 (800) 550-57-00, ext. 4. The exact address and travel directions are available on the website.

‘EkoNiva is making every effort to spark children's interest in the work in the farming sector. It often happens that the idea of a profession is shaped under the influence of films or TV shows and does not reflect the reality. The project is a great chance to play different roles and gain practical knowledge of the operation of a modern farming enterprise. Perhaps for some, this first experience will be crucial to making a decision about the future career’, says Yekaterina Bartseva, EkoNiva Group Tour Project Development Manager.

The holding places a premium on the training of new agricultural specialists from an early age. Six years ago, it launched the AgriClass project together with specialised universities and schools in three regions of its presence – Voronezh, Kaluga and Novosibirsk oblasts. The initiative is designed for students of grades 8-11 who strive to enter a farming profession and further work in this sector. EkoNiva has been carrying out the project in cooperation with Voronezh State Agricultural University named after Emperor Peter the Great and Novosibirsk State Agricultural University.