EkoNiva-APK Holding

+7 (473) 267-97-77

EkoNiva gets down to spring field works

Press-centre / News,

EkoNiva Group, the largest raw milk producer in Russia, has begun spring field works in Voronezh and Kursk oblasts. Agricultural machinery is out in the fields in order to fertilise winter crops. If weather conditions are favourable by the end of March, the same jobs will be done in Ryazan oblast too.

EkoNiva gets down to spring field works

EkoNivaAgro located in Voronezh oblast was the first one to commence spring campaign. At the moment, fertilisation is performed in all five operations of the region. In Voronezh oblast, the area of 11,350 ha is allocated for winter crops. The main focus is on wheat which covers more than 7,350 ha. Triticale and rye – among fodder winter crops– occupy most of the area. Fourteen tractors with trailed implements and self-propelled machines with low-pressure tyres are involved into the process of fertiliser application. The vehicles have undergone fault diagnostics and maintenance service during the off-season time.

Fertiliser application to winter crops was also commenced at Zashchitnoye-South Operation, Kursk oblast. Soil monolith sampling demonstrated that the crops emerged from dormancy in good condition. In this region, 4,200 ha were sown with winter crops, in particular wheat. Machinery preparation, supply of consumables, spare parts and fertilisers were completed on time. Therefore, field works were started at the optimal time in terms of agriculture.

‘We are satisfied with the condition of winter crops in both regions. Nitrogenous fertilising allows plants to grow fast and strengthen after the cold season. Mineral nutrition is also one of the main factors affecting crop yields. The next step will be tillage before spring sowing’, says Aleksandr Anpilov, Crop Farming Director of EkoNiva-APK Holding.

The beginning of the spring field campaign in the other regions where EkoNiva operates depends on weather conditions. In Ryazan oblast, it is planned that machinery will be driven to the fields until the end of March. If the warming continues at the same pace, the first field work in the operations of the Volga region might start in early April. In Kaluga, Moscow and Leningrad oblasts – in the middle of June, in Siberia and Tyumen oblast – at the end of April.

In 2023 farming season, it is planned to sow plants on 440,000 ha in 13 regions of EkoNiva’s business. Over 60,000 ha are allocated for winter crops. The Group’s enterprises grow winter wheat, rye, including its perennial varieties, triticale and rapeseed.