EkoNiva-APK Holding

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EkoNiva awards best Voronezh employees

Press-centre / News,

Voronezh oblast has reviewed the results of the farming year. The regional Government House hosted an award ceremony for the top performers of EkoNiva Group’s local subdivision. The event was timed to coincide with Agriculture and Processing Industry Day.

Aleksandr Nesterenko, Director of EkoNivaAgro-Right Bank Operation, received a letter of appreciation from the President of Russia. The following employees of the same subdivision were awarded certificates of merit from the Ministry of Agriculture: Natalya Vasilyeva, Food Warehouse Manager, Vladimir Kaplin, Machinery Repair Shop Manager, Svetlana Rybalkina, Canteen Manager, Natalya Frolova, Record Keeper, and Natalya Veretennik, Paperwork and Land Registration Specialist at EkoNivaAgro-Left Bank. Lidiya Sologub, Commercial Dairy Farm Manager at EkoNivaAgro-East Operation, was given a badge of honour for services to the development of the region’s farming.

The best industry workers were presented with state and regional awards for high production performance and certificates for new cars. Yelena Khaperskaya, Milking Machine Operator, and Lyubov Ilyinykh, Reproduction Specialist, became the owners of Lada Grantas, while machine operators Leonid Moshurov and Yuriy Volnov received the keys to Lada Niva off-roaders.

Following the economic competition, same-shift milking machine operators of EkoNivaAgro-East operation Nadezhda Zinchenko, Natalya Plaksina, Inna Raspopova, Yekaterina Strelchyunene and Olesya Khlaponina were awarded the Best in Profession title.

‘The rigorous approach of each employee to the work and the tight-knit team result in excellent production performance. It is pleasing that the efforts of our frontrunners have been appreciated at a high level. Their love for the village and profession and responsible attitude to business makes them a role model for the whole company’, says Aleksandr Rybenko, Regional Director of EkoNiva Group in Voronezh oblast.

In January-September 2023, EkoNiva's Voronezh subdivision produced over 370,000 tonnes of raw milk. The average milk yield amounted to 1,365 tonnes per day. Besides, the company fully covers its needs in succulent and rough fodder. The current season has seen a record harvest of 372,000 tonnes of silage in dry matter and 130,000 tonnes of haylage with a very high protein content of 22.4%.