EkoNiva-APK Holding

+7 (473) 267-97-77

EkoNiva starts fodder harvesting

Press-centre / News,

EkoNiva Group, the largest raw milk producer in Russia, is currently preparing fodder for its own herd. The first cutting for haylage is underway in Voronezh subdivision of the holding. This year, over 235,000 head of dairy cattle are to be provided with forage.

EkoNiva starts fodder harvesting

Fodder harvesting started in the first half of May at EkoNivaAgro-Left Bank Operation in Voronezh oblast. Other enterprises of the region also commenced the works. The first stage was the haying of winter annual grasses – triticale, rye and mixed vetch and triticale. Later, farms began harvesting alfalfa that was sown in previous years.

Specialists determine the most favourable period of plant vegetation is when the crop reaches its maximum protein content. Forage grasses have the highest nutritional value at this time. As crops mature, works will be initiated in other regions of the company's operation. EkoNiva's enterprises in Ryazan and Kaluga oblasts are planning to reap the harvest soon.

‘This year, we faced unexpected stressful weather conditions – shortly before the start of fodder preparation, there were spring frost spells, which mainly affected Voronezh oblast. A big advantage is that the Group's farms are located in different regions of Russia and, consequently, in various climatic zones. Such diversification will help us achieve our main goal – to fully provide the cattle with own succulent and rough feed’, says Aleksandr Anpilov, Crop Farming Director, EkoNiva Group.

In 2024, the area allocated for crops reached 190,000 ha. In the last farming season, EkoNiva harvested 985,000 tonnes of fodder in dry matter. We expect that this year’s result will be at least at the same level.