EkoNiva-APK Holding

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Employee of EkoNiva’s Voronezh subdivision is presented with commendation from President of Russia

Press-centre / News,

Olga Vtulkina, a calf tender, has been working at EkoNiva's enterprise in Voronezh oblast since 2010. For her labour achievements and many years of dedicated work, she has received a commendation from the President of the Russian Federation. The corresponding order was published on the Kremlin’s official website.

Olga Vtulkina's entire working career is associated with agriculture, and her total experience exceeds 20 years. For over 10 years, Olga has been working as a calf tender at Dobrino dairy in Liski district. There are about 7,000 head of cattle here, almost half of them are calves. Dobrino is a breeding farm for Simmental and Holstein cattle, as well as a pedigree breeder of the Red-and-White breed. A great contribution to the enterprise’s performance is made by highly qualified livestock farming specialists, including Olga Vtulkina.

Olga is engaged in calf rearing – housing, feeding and taking care.

She is an expert in calf feeding on milk, which helps to achieve high and stable rates of weight gain, ensures good health and high lactation performance of adult animals. Olga is glad to share her knowledge and experience with young employees, thus maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the team. Olga’s labour achievements are highly appreciated not only by the management personnel of the dairy, but also by government authorities.

‘I have been taking care of calves for over 20 years, and there is no better job for me. I’m always happy to watch how calves grow, turn into adult animals and demonstrate excellent milk productivity. I feel I make my own contribution to it’, says Olga.