EkoNiva-APK Holding

+7 (473) 267-97-77

EkoNiva increases areas planted with sugar beet in Kursk oblast

Press-centre / News,

This year, the area under sugar beet in fields of EkoNiva’s subdivision in Kursk was increased by 44% from 2,700 ha to 3,900 ha. The farmers will be able to harvest around 215,000 tonnes of the crop as long as the weather allows.

Early spring and favourable climatic conditions made it possible to start the sowing campaign two weeks ahead of schedule. In autumn 2023, operations located in Shchigry and Solntsevo districts geared up for the forthcoming season by tilling and levelling the fields and applying compound fertilisers. This spring, the farmers conditioned the soil once more and then did the harrowing and cultivating.

In the current season, unexpectedly high temperatures for April settled over the region and no precipitations are expected, that is why the sugar beet is being seeded in the quickest manner possible while the soil still has some moisture. The campaign is planned to be over by 20 April.

As in the previous farming season, the harvested sugar beet will go to Belsakhar sugar plant in Kommunar village, Belaya district. The increase in the planted area and raw materials from local farmers will allow the enterprise to reach its full capacity and process about 240,000-250,000 tonnes of the crop.

Since 2018, Belsakhar is part of EkoNiva Group. The plant was revamped, which resulted in improving its efficiency and product quality. Currently, the capacity allows for processing up to 2,050 tonnes of sugar beet per day and producing on average 300 tonnes of TS2- and TS3-grade sugar.

‘This season, we are planning to launch the enterprise in late August. Currently, the gas furnace turbines, diffuser and generator are undergoing a major overhaul. At the same time, we are upgrading the software for technological processes, which will make the work more stable. All of these will ensure uninterrupted autonomous generation of electricity for production needs, thus helping to decrease the cost price of our sugar’, comments Boris Tereshenko, Managing Director of Belsakhar.

Beet cutters at the plant have already been repaired, so the quality of sugar beet juice and cossettes will be enhanced. Before long, a pulp drier, press and granulating equipment are about to be installed, the design work is underway.

During the last season, the plant processed 179,300 tonnes of sugar beet (including 156,000 tonnes of the crop grown in-house), which resulted in 25,700 tonnes of finished sugar and over 6,260 tonnes of molasses. Approximately 350 employees were engaged in various works, most of whom are local residents.

Apart from Kursk oblast, EkoNiva cultivates sugar beet in its Voronezh operations as well. The latter region allocated around 4,800 hectares for the crop, which corresponds to the levels of 2023. The Group supplies the harvest from Voronezh fields to its partners.