EkoNiva-APK Holding

+7 (473) 267-97-77

EkoNiva has increased dairy herd productivity

Press-centre / News,

EkoNiva Group, the largest Russian dairy holding, has published its operating results over January-June 2024 covering its core business segments: dairy farming, milk processing and crop production.

EkoNiva has increased dairy herd productivity

Dairy farming

In January-June 2024, EkoNiva produced approx. 665,500 tonnes of raw milk, a growth of over 46,000 tonnes or 7% as compared to the same period last year (the first half of 2023: 619,400 tonnes). The average raw milk output in the reporting period amounted to 3,656 tonnes per day against 3,422 tonnes in the previous year (+7%). In June, the daily milk output across the group reached 3,771 tonnes. The daily milk yield per cow reached 31.7 kg against 30.4 kg over the same reporting period in 2023. In June, the average daily milk yield amounted to 32.3 kg. The high performance indicators of the animals are the result of professional and coordinated work of the employees of the Group: proper young stock rearing, creation of favourable housing conditions, care about animal welfare. Moreover, the Group has introduced advanced information systems, including proprietary EkoFeed and EkoCrop software for balanced feeding and efficient fodder production.

Over the first 6 months 2024, the total herd averaged at 247,400 head of cattle, including 115,400 dairy cows (first half 2023: 233,700 head of cattle, including 112,600 dairy cows).

Milk processing

Over January-June 2024, EkoNiva’s processing facilities produced almost 162,100 tonnes of finished dairy produce, up on the same period last year by 27% (January-June 2023: 127,900 tonnes). Production of fresh milk and traditional dairy products (cream, kefir, sour cream, curds, butter, etc.) grew by 25% to 153,000 tonnes, while the volumes of yoghurt and dessert products – including ice-cream – increased by 40% to 4,200 tonnes (2023: 3000 tonnes). Cheese production increased almost twofold to 4,900 tonnes (2023: 2400 т).

In the first 6 months of 2024, the Group extended its product portfolio in the cheese category. In May, sales of mozzarella and suluguni cheese varieties started in EkoNiva brand shops. The cheeses are produced on a Group's partner facility. The new cheese varieties are in high demand by both retail buyers and professional kitchens.

Besides dairy produce under the EKONIVA brand, the Group continues to release product lines under partners’ private labels, including federal retailers.

EkoNiva produce is available in major retail chains, on popular online-platforms as well as via own retail chain. The total number of points of sale in 70 regions of Russia, where the Group’s dairy products can be purchased, has reached 65,900 (the first 6 months of 2023: 56,400). Over the reporting period, 12 new brand shops have been opened.

Crop production

In May, EkoNiva subdivisions started fodder preparation. As per the end of the reporting period, 163,600 tonnes of fodder in dry matter (DM) have been procured. The Group’s principal goal is to provide own growing herd with high-quality nutritious fodder. The harvesting season of cash crops in EkoNiva Group subdivisions started in mid-July.