EkoNiva increases the dairy herd and milk productivity in 2024
Press-centre / News,
EkoNiva Group, the largest Russian dairy holding, has published its operating results over 2024 covering its core business segments: dairy farming, milk processing and crop production.
Dairy farming
In 2024, EkoNiva increased the dairy herd and cow milk productivity. The total milk output based on the results of 2024 rose by 7% to 1.35 million t of raw milk in physical weight, a growth of over 90,000 t as compared to the same period last year (2023: 1.26 million t). In fat- and protein-adjusted weight (3.7% fat content, 3.2% protein content), this corresponds to 1.44 million t (2023: 1.31 million t, +10%). The Group retained its position as the raw milk production leader in the Russian market. Average monthly milk yields at EkoNiva operations during 2024 amounted to approx. 112,400 t in physical weight. Over the reporting period, the daily milk output reached 3,680 t (2023: 3,440 t). The average yield per milking cow went from 30.6 up to 31.7 kg per day in physical weight and from 32.0 up to 33.8 kg in fat- and protein-adjusted weight.
Increasing productivity of the dairy herd is one of EkoNiva Group’s priorities. Coordinated work of the employees of the Group - proper young stock rearing, feeding, veterinary care, herd management – promotes the increase of production parameters and setting of new records in raw milk output.
Average dairy herd across EkoNiva Group’s operations during the reporting period amounted to approx. 248,000 head (2023: 235,300 head; +5%), including 116,500 head of milking cows (2023: 112,500; +4%). In August 2024, the Group commissioned Naratly dairy in Bugulma district, the Republic of Tatarstan. The project with a production capacity of 120 t of raw milk per day is designed for 3,550 head of dairy herd and 5,100 head of young stock.
Milk processing
In January – December 2024, EkoNiva’s processing facilities produced approx. 309,400 t of finished dairy produce, up by 11% over last year’s parameters (2023: 279,600 t). In particular, the production of fresh milk and traditional dairy items (cream, kefir, sour cream, curds, butter, etc.) rose by 10% year-on-year and amounted to 292,455 t (2023: 266,560 t), yoghurt and dessert group (including ice-cream) – by 28% to 8,130 t (2023: 6,350 t), cheeses – 1.3 times, exceeding 8,800 t (2023: 6,700 t). The product range under the EKONIVA brand as per the end of 2024 comprised 134 SKUs (SKU; 2023: 88).
During 2024, the Group launched the sales of new cheese varieties, including mozzarella and suluguni as well as premium 9- and 15-month aged hard Dürr cheeses. Besides, the production of 33% fat cream designed specifically for hospitality industry professionals as well as ready meals available in EKONIVA brand shops started. This spurred growth in production volumes and the expansion of the finished dairy produce range.
The total number of outlets where dairy products of the Group are available increased over the year and exceeded 61,300 (31.12.2023: 60,800) as per the end of reporting period. The Group’s produce is sold in the majority of federal retail chains, including Magnit, Lenta, Perekryostok, Pyatyorochka, Globus, O’KEY, Auchan, Metro, etc. Also in 2024, EkoNiva continued expanding its own retail business by opening 25 branded stores. By the end of 2024, the Group operated a total of 88 own brand stores.
Also, EkoNiva continues manufacturing the produce under private labels. In the reporting period, the Group began shipments to Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
Crop farming and the results of harvest season
The 2023–2024 agricultural season unfolded in challenging weather conditions. The gross yield of cash crops amounted to approx. 1.08 million t (2023: 1.31 million t, -18%), namely 586,000 t of cereals, 127,000 t of pulses, 53,000 t of oilseed crops and 309,000 t of sugar beets.
Moreover, EkoNiva subdivisions harvested around 972,000 t of fodder in dry matter, which was roughly on par with the previous year (2023: 997,000 t). The Group fully met the needs of own herd in succulent feed and roughage.
The sowing of winter crops began in August 2024 and was completed as per plan. The Group allocated approx. 64,000 ha for the crops.