EkoNiva-APK Holding

+7 (473) 267-97-77


In line with organic standards

News, Thursday, 27 January 2022

The specialists of Kiwa BCS Öko-Garantie have conducted an annual inspection of Savinskaya Niva organic farming enterprise.

Agros 2022 trade show: prosperous farming with EkoNiva

News, Thursday, 27 January 2022

EkoNiva Group has summed up the results of its work during Agros 2022, an international trade show which gathered 350 companies from 26 countries. This year, EkoNiva offered the attendees everything they need for a profitable farming business – pedigree cattle with outstanding genetic potential, highly productive seeds of forage grasses and ultra-modern efficient agricultural machinery.

EkoNiva announces operating results for 2021

News, Monday, 17 January 2022

The most prominent Russian dairy holding EkoNiva has published its operating results for 2021 relating to its core business segments: dairy farming, milk processing and plant growing.

Performance of EkoNiva Plant Breeding and Seed Growing Centre in 2021

News, Tuesday, 28 December 2021

EkoNiva Group has summarised the performance of the Centre of Plant Breeding and Variety Maintenance in 2021. The key achievements of the year include five new varieties submitted for state trials: three winter wheat and two soybean varieties. EN Isida, EN Polyarnik and EN Altais winter wheats and soybean EN-1107 are intended for Central Black Soil and Middle Volga regions and EN-1319-2 soybean – for West Siberian region.

EkoNiva livestock specialists complete ZooVet Master programme

News, Monday, 27 December 2021

The annual educational programme ZooVet Master for young specialists in the livestock industry has ended in the largest dairy holding in Russia, EkoNiva Group. During the year, more than 20 employees completed five levels of advanced training.

Milk of Russia – 2021: EkoNiva shares experience

News, Friday, 10 December 2021

EkoNiva Group has taken part in the 3rd agro-industrial forum Milk of Russia - 2021. On 10 December, the final day of the event, EkoNivaAgro opened the doors of Dobrino dairy for the forum attendees. The farm is designed for 2,800 head of milking herd and 4,000 head of young stock. During the tour of the facility, the specialists gave an overview of the production processes and demonstrated the animals’ comfortable housing conditions and the state-of-the-art technologies applied in cattle and crop farming. The issue of modern farm management software, in particular, the Selex database, Dairy Comp 305 (VAS) as well as EkoNiva’s proprietary feeding software Eko.Feed and Eko.Crop, was also covered in detail.